The Hautapu Rural Supplies' Garden Centre is the newest addition to the business and we have a great range of plants, all shapes and sizes, for both flower and vegetable gardens. Our product range varies from season to season but there is always something new to see.
We also carry a good range of garden care products including tools, sprays, fertilisers and bagged soils.
We have an interesting range of both flowers and vegetables available in 6-Cell punnets and individual punnets.
Our range of seedlings are supplied on a weekly basis from Zealandia Horticulture, who are renowned for their quality.
Throughout each season, the Garden Centre is constantly receiving new plants from various suppliers.
We have shrubs, climbers, natives, grasses, roses, ground covers, fruit trees, specimen trees, potted colour and much more.
We stock Yates seed packets and have a great range of both flower and vegetable seeds. We stock growing trays and xx to help your seeds get off to a good start.
In the winter months our bulb order arrives ready for you to plant for lovely spring colour in your garden.
We have a large range of both Yates, and Tui plant care products.
We have everything that your plants and lawn need from sprays to fertilisers, tonics, insecticides, fungicides, and weed killers.
We carry a good selection of organic options.
Tui Products supply all our bagged planting mediums and we have one for every situation.
Our most popular products include compost, potting mix, vegetable mix, strawberry mix, and the garden mix.
We also have three different grades of Tui Bark mulch available.
Don't put in all the hard work and then let the birds and frost get your plants!
We stock bird net, frost cloth and growing tunnels to keep the birds and frost away.
We also have weed mat, polythene, wind break and shade cloth.
We also have other bits and pieces you need like garden stakes, garden ties, planter bags etc.
Whether you're looking for a garden irrigation system or just a hose for a tap, we have something for everyone.
We stock quality hoses from Wetta and Hozelock, and have all the micro-irrigation fittings you need to set up an irrigation system. We also carry a range of sprinklers and spray wands for hand watering.
We carry a good selection of gardening tools to help you in your garden.
We have spades, shovels, digging forks, hoes, trowels, cultivators, secateurs, loppers, and axes.
If we don't have what you are after, we can order it in for you.
The Garden Centre carries a selection of colourful pots in different shapes and sizes.
We also have a selection of bird baths and garden ornaments.
If you can't see something that you like, let us know what you are looking for and we will do our best to help you out.